
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Episode 39 - Magpies Hate Rap
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
For this episode we had planned to cover our differing approaches to army painting/planning from start to finish, but unfortunately get derailed! Instead we have a good old hobby chat. Rob talks about his Necrons and the trials and tribulations of being a DVD collection owner, Ian is avoiding painting yellow squig skin, and I talk about my recently revealed Bitterclaw Riders 3D printed Pirate Ogor (Beastclaw Raider) army.
Links mentioned in the show:
Newly Updated Nurgle & Lumineth Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Bitterclaw Riders Reveal Video
Youtube AoS Battle Reports: Wargamer Online
Kharadron Focussed Hobby Content & Gaming Box Overview: Aethercast
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro – The Midnight- Good in Red

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Episode 38 - Shadow Daemon
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
The episode you have been waiting for as Rob gives us his opinion on the Be’lakor reveal and we chat our usual hobby exploits.
Links mentioned in the show:
Tabletop Tactics Flesh Tearers Army Showcase
Fluffhammer Water Basing Guide
Buy 2 get a 3rd Free Age of Sigmar & 40K Gaming Tools & Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro – College & Electric Youth- A Real Hero

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Episode 37 - Return to Form
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
We are finally back on the microphones! There is no real focus to this epsiode, just a good old hobby catchup as it has been soooo long.
We all show our age with some of these discussions, while Rob is clearly excited for his new Necron Army, Ian plans to paint some old crappy finecast models and I bang on about the Realmhammer Painting achievements!
Links mentioned in the show:
Realmhammer Painting Achievements -RealmHammer
Buy 2 get a 3rd Free Age of Sigmar & 40K Gaming Tools & Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Kiile- The Reveal

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Episode 36 - Giraffey Reanimator
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
As promised last episode we have an in depth chat about different aspects of painting Monsters and Vehicles . We start by covering our recent hobby as Ian continues to work on Yellow Squigs, I finished more Anvils of the Heldenhammer Sormcasts and Rob makes progress on his Necrons. The main topic of the show is led by numerous listener questions and we talking about painting large areas of skin, battle damage, centerpiece models, weathering, contrast paints on vehicles, stencils, flame effects and plenty more!
Links mentioned in the show:
Facehammer TV -Slaanesh Army Showcase
Sorastro's Painting - Star Wars Legion Air Speeder
Our Sponsors are still operating, and any orders at this time of the year would be greatly apprenticed by us all:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Seventeen - The Midnight

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Episode 35 - Drunk Assembly & Power Gloves
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Welcome to the new format of Pro Painted (in all honesty not much has changed). We have added a dedicated section to discussing 40k, while also discussing this freely in our general hobby. I am joined by Ian for a hobby catchup and Rob is with us for the full episode. We talk about the new Generals Handbook for Age of Sigmar, Exodites in 40k, Necron Conversions, basing ideas for Salamander Space Marines, possibility of more Narrative 40k events and our thoughts on how to get into 40k and inspiration for themes
Time Stamps:
AoS Segment - 47:25
40k Segment - 1:09:20
Links mentioned in the show:
Realm Rift: https://realmrift.com/
Ashes of the Imperium (Not Priority Roll as I mentioned on the podcast): Crusade Overview
Tabletop Tactics: Youtube Battlereports
Our Sponsors are still operating, and any orders at this time of the year would be greatly apprenticed by us all:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Dance with Somebody - The Midnight

Thursday May 14, 2020
Episode 34 - Warhammer Achievements Eight
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
For episode 34 me and Rob are joined by Declan and Ben, 2 of the 3 organisers of Warhammer Achievements. We have a great hobby related chat and cover the event in-depth while having a good laugh and trying to 'game' the system somewhat. We are also treated to a reveal of all 15 of the painting achievements available at the event itself.
Links mentioned in the show:
Dec's Twitter - Ben#s Twitter - Warhammer Achievements Twitter
Ticket sales (when live) https://bloodandglory.baddice.co.uk/
Our Sponsors are still operating, and any orders at this time of the year would be greatly apprenticed by us all:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Deep Blue - The Midnight

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Episode 33 - Hobby Questions & Rob Hates Snow
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
The three of us return with an episode covering some listener questions we have accumulated this year. We discuss pushing highlights and strengthening contrast , basing, motivation when painting armies to a high standard, true metallic metals, sub assemblies, and discuss black & white paints.
Our Sponsors are still operating, and any orders at this time of the year would be greatly apprenticed by us all:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Los Angeles- The Midnight

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Episode 32 - Globe-Bad-Ears
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Let us entertain you with almost 3 hours of hobby chat! Rob talks about his custom basing ideas and his progress with Pink Horrors. Ian shares some details on his long-planned project of Steampunk Skaven, while I share news on my Bonereaper army; the Shikami Devils. We also discuss our thoughts on the Lumineth Realmlords while also covering the way GW announce new armies. We then finish up by covering Tomorrow Burns, which was a tournament hosted in my home town of Weymouth. We discuss army nominations, award winners, what epic trophies Katakros added to his cabinet, and a few other topics such as army painting consistency.
Our Sponsors are still operating, and any orders at this time of the year would be greatly apprenticed by us all:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - W O L F C L U B - Summer Lights

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Episode 31 - 2019 Retrospective, Best Releases & Models
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Our first episode of 2020! We catch up with everyone's hobby over the holiday period, including how Rob has created more painting time by going mobile! We then get into the 'meat' of the episode which is discussing each of our Top 3 models of 2019, Top 3 Releases and our Top 3 hopes for 2020. Pointy Elves, Warcry, Contrast Paints, and Slaanesh are all mentioned. Listen to find out how we rank them all!
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios
Intro – Vale of Shadows - Gunship
Outro - Bullet For My Valentine - Gravity (GUNSHIP Remix)

Friday Dec 13, 2019
Episode 30 - Xmas 2019 Hobby Chat
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Welcome to our Christmas show, we have a great hobby chat and cover our current projects. Ian discussed his first efforts with contrast paints, while I talk about the start of my Bonereaper Army and the start of Season 2 of 'From Ember to Inferno' - a Tale of 4 Warlords style project that me, Chris Tomlin, Aaron Bailey, and Paul Buckler are embarking on once again. We also discuss RAW20 and I cover 3 tournaments - Battle for the Midnight Tomb hosted at Warhammer World, Bloodshed in the Shires, and Sigmar: First Blood. Enjoy!
Mentioned on the show:
Support the podcast by making all your hobby purchases through this link: Kirton Games Webstore
Use code propainted for an extra 5% off GW product including pre-orders!
As always we are sponsored by: Mierce Miniatures
Age of Sigmar Tokens: Pro Painted Studios